Can I Buy an AC Condenser and a Roof for My Honda Civic From a Junk Yard

Reader Question I just purchased a 2001 Honda Civic and have 2 questions.

1) The complete roof has dents, probably from some one standing or jumping on it. Can the purchase just the roof panel from a junk yard and replace it my self?

2) I was told that the a/c condensor need to be replaced. Is that something as well that I can purchase used and repair myself as the dealer wants $550.00.

Thank you,

Hi there Richard

You can buy a “roof” at a junk yard and have it welded in place…..but it is not as easy as it looks. Just depends on your skill level and what tools you have at your disposal.

On the condenser, I would NOT buy one from a junkyard. You can get a new condenser for about $125 at your local radiator or auto supply store. Once you get your new condenser, you can install it..but you will need a mechanic to “evacuate and recharge” the system for you……which will probably cost you $125 or so plus Freon.


Austin C. Davis

Posted in: A/C and Heating

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