1993 Toyota Camry Will Not Start Sometimes – But Engine Turns Over

Reader Question Austin:

I searched your web site and really did not find this situation. The 1993 Camry has 84,000 miles and runs very good when it runs. The maddening problem is it may decide to start or not start today. The starter turns the engine over so no problem with starter or battery.

So far this 1993 Camry not starting problem has stumped a good local mechanic and a Toyota dealer.One time it was loaded onto a wrecker and they tried the key once more for grins and it started. The Toyota dealer dove in and replaced the fuel pump and it worked OK for 1 month. Two days ago it made a 200+ mile trip plus several local trips around town – no problem.

Then, that night it decided it was tired and would not start. The local mechanic replaced the fuel filter, started the car, test drove it for several miles (ran great), parked it. The repairs were paid for and it would not start right there in front of the mechanic.

The mechanic was highly embarrassed and feels it is an electrical problem. He says they have checked every connection, module, wire, book, etc. and so far the car is winning. His diagnostic computer is not picking up anything. Do you have any idea what could cause this intermittent no start problem??


Thanks for your email Thomas,

I would suspect you have an intermittent electrical problem. I would be highly suspect of any of the following.

1. Igniter
2. Ignition module
3. Ignition coil

6. On board computer (my last and final “guess”)

If all these components are located INSIDE the distributor on your vehicle I would buy a remanufactured distributor assembly from your local auto parts store and install it

I think they made two different types of distributors for your year model, so you might need a part number or manufacture name from the old one to purchase the correct new one.

I have had good luck with the brand “A1” rebuilt distributors and computers if they are available in your area.

If these parts are external to your distributor, I would probably take a guess at the igniter and or ignition coil first.

Austin C. Davis

Posted in: Won't Start Issues

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