By September 25, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

Spark Plugs – When To Change Them

spark plugsHi there, thanks for stopping in today. I get tons of emails each day from people asking me their car repair questions.  When I see a trend, and the same questions being asked over and over again I make a video about it.

This week the topic of concern seems to be about spark plugs and when to change them and why change them.  These two videos below should help answer those questions…better than me typing out the question.  I would rather watch and listen to a video than read a long article about it.

This video talks about the 3 different types of spark plugs, what to look for and when you need to change each one.

In this video I am talking about changing spark plugs and how to tell if your engine has a spark plug problem and my shade tree method for finding out.

I get asked “what brand of spark plug should I use”

I do like to buy brand names, and here is my suggestion.

GM vehicles – AC Delco
Ford vehicle – Motorcraft
Asian vehicles – Nipondenso or NGK
European vehicles – Bosch

Now as far as using cheap standard copper, platinum or double platinum.

Older vehicles (prior to 1985) just the standard copper core plug is fine
Standard vehicles after 1985 I like platinum plugs
Luxury/high performance vehicles after 1985 I like double platinum

Copper plugs usually last about 30,000-50,000 miles
Platinum can last 75,000+
Double platinum can last 100K+

Posted in: Tune Up Costs

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