By December 16, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Running a Stop Sign

Reader’s Question:

Will running a stop sign can affect my car insurance?



A minor violation such as running a stop sign won’t result in an increase in your car insurance rates.

Needless to say, there are actually exclusions. Every insurer computes risk differently, but many will forgive the small things unless of course they’re component to a bigger pattern. In many states, insurance companies are bound legally to disregard the very first violation.

A number of minor traffic violations is a different story, so be particularly careful until your driving history is clear, generally 3 years.

There is however no reason not to be cautious at all times. In the long run, the guidelines are about safety before they’re about insurance, and had another vehicle been in the intersection whenever you ran the stop sign, you would have a really different account to tell.

And also, without a doubt, higher insurance costs.

Posted in: Reader Questions

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