By February 6, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

Paul McCartney Lexus RX400 – My Auto Show Pictures and Review

I am a Beattles fan, and I drive a Lexus…I just Lexus, but I would NOT want to own a 2006 Lexus RX 400 Paul McCartney edition SUV. Would you? I mean the exterior paint work is gorgeous, but just one small nick in the paint or one small door ding will require a total re-paint job. There is no way to match or touch up any of the exterior paint work on this vehicle.

Other than the paint work, there is an old tyme microphone as the gear shift handle… and a few other simple additions but in my opinion NOTHING to warrant the price tag for this SUV.

In all honesty, I would feel pretty darn silly to drive around town in this Lexus.

HSD – Hybrid Synergy Drive – combines electric motors/generators with a regular gasoline engine
Does not need to be plugged in to recharge – recharges itself automatically
Horsepower 4.0 Liter V8
VDIM – Vehicle Dynamics Intergrated Management that anticipates and corrects for traction loss

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