By December 11, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

1999 Nissan Altima Automatic Transmission Will Not Reverse

Reader Question My 1999 Nissan Altima 30,000 miles on it its my Uncles well taken care of car and it will not go in reverse,it will go in reverse after it is in park, it will back up prefect,tight, no slipping. but after you are in drive sometimes you lose reverse? And it seems the cold has something to do with it. I looked at the transmission fluid, it is full and not burnt? Thanks Mark

Hi Mark,

If you are sure about the fluid being full and not burnt, I would check out the linkages from the gear shifter to the transmission to make sure there is not a problem there or something in a bind or out of adjustment.

If things look ok there, you might want to service the transmission if you feel this is an internal problem…..mileage wise its due anyway for maintenance, but you might have a piece of dirt in the valve body. I don’t recall if there is a filter on this model or if it’s just a cleanable screen. If it has no filter, have the transmission fluid flushed at your local fast lube. If there is a replaceable filter I would replace it. If you still have problems…time to talk to a transmission shop.


Austin Davis

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