By September 20, 20061 Comments Read More →

Mazda RX 7 Blue Smoke Out Exhaust System

Reader Question

I have a Mazda RX7 that I recently puchased. The other day I drove it on the highway (35-40 round trip). And the very next day I went to start it up, there was blue smoke (alot) coming from the exhaust. Did I get ripped off?

Hi there

Have you read my article on exhaust smoke?

Exhaust Smoke

Blue smoke is NOT a good sign, and can be very costly to repair. I would find a mechanic who is knowledgeable about RX7’s and get them to look at it and run some tests. If this is an older RX with the Wankle motor….this is a totally different kind of engine and requires training in working on the internal engine parts. So, don’t just get any old mechanic to help you…find an RX7 professional.

You can use thicker weight engine oils, and there are some good additives on the market like Engine Restore that you can add to the oil, but before you do that talk to a mechanic and get their opinion first!

IF you can get your money back….I would.


Austin C. Davis

Posted in: Exhaust Smoke

1 Comment on "Mazda RX 7 Blue Smoke Out Exhaust System"

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  1. Aaron says:

    hey man this is one powerful car from Mazda, a great car with lots of power and this is some great super car. I saw the specs on some site for the first time and i became a fan of this car from then.

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