By February 3, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

Know about Traffic Tickets?

Know about Traffic Tickets?
Ninety percent of the people above the age of sixteen have acquired license and have a registration of more than three vehicles under their name. These figures translate into trillions of miles driven each year with millions of traffic infractions, making traffic control an issue of immense proportions. The first traffic laws and regulations began to appear in the 1920s, and they now constitute a huge part of most state codes.
Main purpose of Traffic Tickets
The primary purpose of traffic-violation regulations is to deter unsafe driving and to educate and reform bad drivers. Studies have shown that traffic offenders generally keep amassing traffic violations, and that most people obey the laws, even when there is no perceived safety reason for doing so, such as waiting for a green light at 2:00 a.m. Compliance with the laws increases when drivers believe they will be caught and decreases when they perceive they can get away with a specific infraction.
Strict legal responsibility crime
The majority of traffic tickets are issued for “strict-liability” offenses. This means that no particular criminal intent is required to convict a person of the offense. The only proof needed is that the person did the prohibited act. Strict-liability traffic offenses typically include such offenses as:
 Speeding
 Failure to use turn signals
 Failure to yield
 Turning into the wrong lane
 Driving a car with burned-out headlights
 Parking in a handicap spot without the required sticker, and
 Overdue parking meters.
Violations – Moving Vs. Non-moving
A moving violation occurs whenever a traffic law is violated by a vehicle in motion. Some examples of moving violations are speeding, running a stop sign or red light, and drunk driving. A non-moving violation, by contrast, is usually related to parking or faulty equipment. Examples include parking in front of a fire hydrant, parking in a no-parking zone, parking in front of an expired meter, and excessive muffler noise.
For Instance
There are many different types of traffic tickets in New Jersey. State troopers are giving traffic tickets at a record pace for even 5mph over the speed limits. All traffic tickets have a section, and you should take into deep consideration how many points a traffic ticket comes with.
2 Point Traffic Tickets:
Speeding 1 to 14 mph over the speed limit, moving against traffic, unlawful use of median strip, failure to yield to a pedestrian in crosswalk, driving through s safety zone, improper action or omission on grades and curves, failure to observe direction of officer, failure to stop vehicle before crossing sidewalk, failure to yield to pedestrians or vehicles while entering or leaving highway, driving on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal, failure to obey direction of officer, failure to observe traffic signals, failure to keep right, improper operating of vehicle on divided highway or divider, failure to keep right at intersection, wrong way on a one-way street, failure to yield to overtaking vehicle, failure to observe traffic lanes, failure to yield at intersection, failure to use proper entrances to limited access highways, careless driving, destruction of agricultural or recreational property, slow speed blocking traffic, failure to stop for traffic light, failure to stop at flashing red signal, failure to stop for police whistle, failure to give proper signal, improper backing or turning in street, improper crossing of railroad grade crossing, improper crossing of bridge, improper crossing of railroad grade crossing by certain vehicles, leaving the scene of an accident – no personal injury, failure to observe stop or yield signs, moving violation out of state.
3 Point Traffic Tickets
Operating constructor vehicle in excess of 45 mph, improper turn at traffic light, improper right or left turn, improper turn from approved turning course, improper U-turn
4 Point Traffic Tickets
Exceeding maximum speed 15-29 mph over limit, improper passing, improper passing in no passing zone, improper passing on right or off roadway, driving in an unsafe manner (points only assessed for the third or subsequent violation(s) within a five-year period.), improper passing of frozen dessert truck
5 Point Traffic Tickets
Exceeding maximum speed 30 mph or more over limit, racing on highway, failure to pass to right of vehicle proceeding in opposite direction, tailgating, reckless driving, improper passing of school bus, racing on highway
8 Point Traffic Ticket
Leaving the scene of an accident – With Personal Injury

Posted in: Road Trip Tips

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