By December 5, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

1997 Ford Mustang Oil Pressure Gauge Fluctuates as I Drive

Reader Question
Hello I have a 1997 Ford Mustang 3.8L Manual Transmission, The problem I’m having with it is that when I start driving everything is fine the needle stays in the center of the oil pressure gauge, but after about 15 mins of driving.

When I’m stopping and down shifting the gears the needle on the oil pressure gauge starts to fluctuate and when I’m stopped the oil pressure gauge takes a dive to show no oil pressure at all, When I start to drive again the pressure returns to normal and stays normal when up shifting the gears. I’ve checked the oil level, Recently had the oil changed. What could be the problem be?


The first thing I would do is replace the oil pressure sending unit and see if that corrects the problem. You can buy one at your local auto parts store and install it yourself pretty easily. If you can’t find the part on the engine ….ask the guys at the part store to point it out to you, it usually just has one or two small wires connected to it.

If the problem still exists, then I would get a manual oil pressure reading with a hand held pressure gauge to determine if the problem is which the oil pump or with the dash gauge.


Austin Davis

Posted in: Reader Questions

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