By August 14, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

What Causes Engine Noise in my 1993 Plymouth Laser

Hi, I own a 93 Plymouth Laser and there is an annoying clicking sound which sounds like its come from inside the engine itself. The clicking sound increases as the rpm’s increase. People have told me it could be the valve (whatever that is) so could this be correct or can it be anything else?



Hi Alex

It is probably a noisy “lifter”, or a rod or main bearing. Check the oil level FIRST. Best guess is to buy a can of Marvel Mystery Oil additive from your local auto parts store and add it to your engine oil and drive the vehicle. This is great for sticky valves and noisy lifters. If it does not work…it wont hurt to leave the additive in the oil, but you will probably need to remove the valve covers for inspection.


Austin C. Davis

Posted in: Fluid Leaks

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