By February 15, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

Eliminate Drunk Driving

The real possibility of eliminating drunk driving in this country is a powerful, even audacious, idea.

One of the paramount causes of driving drunk is peer pressure. Young adults want to show off for their friends, or pretend not to be drunk, just to impress each other, or because they don’t want anyone else to drive their car.

To tell you the truth, I have a low tolerance of stupidity in this world. I have learned in my adult years that only a few people in this world have common sense. In this day and age, we can frequently hear about someone who has been affected in some way by drunk driving. They may know someone who was a victim, someone who was the driver or heard a very powerful story. Drunk driving has a big impact on almost everyone.

Recently, Mel Gibson has been hounded by because of his drunk driving incident. Honestly, I’m a fan of his and it won’t deter me from seeing his movies. However, I now have a different impression of him and I also feel a sense of anger towards him. I also feel the same sense of anger towards anyone who is driving under the influence of alcohol.

You see, I’ve been a victim of drunk driving and heard entirely too many stories to not be adamant about it. I was leaving the movie theater when I was seventeen years old. Suddenly a man who was drunk driving sideswiped me. It was enough to scare the wits of out me, even if it wasn’t a major accident. I may not have written this article if he did not drive while he was under the influence of alcohol.

A night of drinking may seem innocent and fun. However, getting behind the wheel after drinking beyond our limit is completely irresponsible and disrespectful. The man who nearly ran over me had no thought about who he may be affecting by his drunk driving. Well, he definitely affected mine that evening.

Four local boys were driving home from a graduation party two years ago. Every one of them was completely sober. Suddenly, a man on a motorcycle came towards them with his teenage daughter holding onto him. He decided to turn in front of the oncoming car that was filled with graduates and they collided.

All four boys along with the father and daughter on the motorcycle were killed instantly. Six lives were ended early that night. It was determined that the driver of the motorcycle had been drunk when the investigation was over. That man’s poor decision making skills affected more than his own life because he killed his own daughter and four college-bound boys in one second.

I pass the roadside memorial dedicated to that accident every day on my way to work. I am always reminded about how drunk driving is such a tragic decision. I’m sure you’ll find someone who can tell you a story about how abuse of alcohol affected their life if you ask around.

Drunk driving is a major problem that law enforcement is striving to prevent and control. If a person is caught driving drunk, it can result in jail, which results in a criminal record.

If a pattern of drunk driving is established, the driver can lose his or her license and employment, and it could affect their personal relationships as well.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Drunk Driving.

Visit our site for more helpful information about Drunk Driving and other similar topics.
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Posted in: Road Trip Tips

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