By August 3, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

Electric Radiator Fan Blows Fuses and Engine Overheats

Reader Question Hello Austin and thanks for the tips however I have a problem my engine is overheating I check the fluids they are ok no leaks but my fuses for my radiator fans are blown I change them and they keep blowing I am stuck can you help me on this?
Thanks Chris


My first guess would be that you probably have a bad cooling fan motor. If the motor is “locked up” or drawing too much current, because it is worn out, the fuse will blow to prevent a fire in the wiring.

You are right 1 of the 2 radiator fans motor does not work, I am going to go ahead and change the fan assembly,water pump and thermostat just to get it out the way. On a avg do you know how much its going to cost me?

I don’t know what kind of vehicle you have, but in most cases you can buy an aftermarket brand motor from your local auto parts store, which is much cheaper than the dealership. Some Honda’s, Mitsubishi, Hyundai and Kia’s are only available from the dealer, so you will just have to call around in your area and see what is available.

If you are on a serious budget, call the junk yards.


Austin C. Davis

Posted in: Over Heating

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