By January 28, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Does RaceTrak Gasoline Have Too Much Ethanol ?

Reader Question

I just read your answer about buying gasoline. Someone had told me not to buy gas from RaceTrak or QuikTrip because it has too much ethanol. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Also, my driver’s side CV boot is cracked and they want to replace the axle, too. Should I do that? And if I do, should I just go ahead and
replace the other boot?

Thank you for taking my questions.


Hey Pat,

I have heard the same thing about Racetrak fuel from another source by have not personally confirmed that. From what i am told Valero is one of the few fuel stations that does not import oil from Saudi Arabia and uses more home pumped oil than others.

The price of a rebuilt cv shaft complete with new boots and bearings is pretty darn cheap these says and they are quick and easy to replace so I would buy a $100 complete shaft and replace the whole shaft on that side. Would not do other side until needed.

Have a great weekend

Austin Davis

Hi Again Austin,

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I can do Valero. It may be a little higher, but compared to the expense of having my Sonata repaired, it’s a drop in the bucket.

I’m making your website a favorite and adding it to my Facebook page!!

God bless you,

Posted in: Front End Problems

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