By December 5, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

2001 Dodge Neon Battery Goes Down After Sitting 2 Days

Reader Question

I bought a 2001 Dodge Neon SE and when I don’t use it for 2 days in a row I find my battery drained and there isn’t enough juice to start the car. Could you please tell me what is draining the battery while the car is parked? Thank you.

Hey there Eyad,

It could be anything draining the battery down. You need to get an electrical test done by your mechanic or the dealer to be sure what is happening. If this is the original battery, I would replace it FIRST and see if the problem goes away.

There are a few things that are always ON even though the engine is OFF…the computer system of the vehicle and the radio/clock/cd player are always “Hot” with electricity, or always having power supplied to them. That small amount of “normal drain” could be enough to bring down a weak battery.

Other items I would check to see if they are ON

1. Glove box, interior dome light, hood and trunk lights

2. aftermarket radios, phone chargers, radar detectors


Austin Davis

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