By December 18, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Car Insurance Policy Exclusion

Reader’s Question:

Is it possible not to include my spouse in my car insurance policy?



State laws vary when it comes to car insurance policy nevertheless even though laws don’t require your husband or wife to be placed on your vehicle insurance plan your insurance provider may need you to list him or her on the insurance policy.

The majority of insurance providers require policyholders to include every licensed household members on their insurance policy because that these individuals will typically have accessibility to your cars and will most likely drive the vehicles on the insurance policy on a regular basis. In certain states if you don’t inform your insurance provider of each of the drivers in your household it could be considered misrepresentation, a kind of fraud. The state laws extend legal responsibility to defined household member so insurers need to ask and extend insurance coverage to them as well.

If you don’t want your husband or wife on your insurance policy you very well may have the ability to make sure he can or her excluded from the insurance policy, if state laws and your insurer’s guidelines permit. Remember though should you don’t include your husband or wife and he or she does drive your vehicle and gets into any sort of accident your insurance policy’s coverage won’t be extended to her or him in at any rate.

Posted in: Reader Questions

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