By January 17, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Automatic Transmission

Reader Question I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara edition with an automatic transmission. It has 92,000 miles on it. I have changed the filter and fluid twice since I have had it.

I bought it at 30,000 miles. It has had small amounts of metal in the pan (magnet). Is this normal or am I looking at rebuilding it (transmission) soon? I keep a close watch on fluids. It is always at the correct level.

Thanks a bunch,


Howdy Adam,

It is fairly common to see metal shavings in the transmission pan at that mileage…thus the magnet at the bottom. I have actually seen a few transmissions with a handful of shavings on the magnet and a few plastic parts pieces at the bottom of the pan…and the transmission worked flawlessly for 30,000 more miles.

It is hard to get all the metal debris from the transmission during a filter change…that is one reason why most fast lube places switched to “flushing” instead of filter replacement.

I still prefer the filter replacement unless there is a contamination like water inside the transmission that would benefit from a flush type service.

Austin Davis

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