By January 23, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

1999 Volkswagen Jetta

Reader Question: Hello,

My 1999 Volkswagen Jetta died in the car wash bay and had to be pushed out. The car has power the starter turns over, but the car will not kick over. It tried a couple of times at first, but now it only seems to crank.

There was bottom blast option to this car wash, so my guess is something got wet. The distributor cap was dry and it appears to have no cracks.

I have let the car sit, hoping that the damp issue would evaporate, and allow the car to start.

Any help would be great.


Hi Mark,

What tends to happen is water gets on a sensor or the air pressure blows a sensor wire connector off a vital component. I would open the hood and look under the vehicle engine area for anything loose or hanging and definitely make sure the distributor cap, and inside the distributor is dry and the spark plug wires are also dry. Something could be wet, and shorting out.

Try cranking the engine over while you watch the engine for any signs of arcing from a spark plug wire or ignition coil wire.

I would also check the fuses and look under the rear of the vehicle. I think your external fuel pump is located on the passenger side rear of the vehicle.

Make sure its electrical connection is on good and tight and dry!

Austin Davis

Posted in: Won't Start Issues

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