By March 31, 2008 0 Comments Read More →

1999 Ford Explorer Automatic Transmission Slips

Reader Question 1999 Ford Explorer 6 cylinder 5R55E automatic transmission slipping in between 2nd gear and 3rd gear but shifts fine when I shift manually on the column and shifts fine in between other gears and once in 3rd gear or any other gear doesn’t slip at all also does it randomly not all the time
Thank you Richard

Hey there Richard,

First off I am not a transmission guy…we sub out that kind of work to a local transmission shop in our area. If the fluid is full and clean…I would suspect an internal problem, like a worn accumulator that is not holding fluid pressure…but is allowing you to shift manually.

That is just my best guess; I would consult a transmission shop. If you are told you need an overhaul, you might want to call the Ford parts department in your area and see how much a Ford rebuilt transmission costs you, and then have a mechanic install it for you…or do it yourself.

It will cost a few bucks more than a local overhaul but you get a nationwide Ford warranty, and we have had great success using them the last few years. If I recall, the Ford rebuilt unit comes complete with fluid and all pre- installed…so you just unbolt and install.


Austin Davis

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