By January 18, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

1998 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 – What is Fair Price for a New Water Pump?

Reader Question My daughter has a 1998 Chevy Cavalier, Z2. For some time now, it has had a slow coolant leak. Upon taking it into a local repair shop (one which has done a fair amount of work for all of our cars), they say that her water pump is leaking and will have to be replaced.

The job will take about a half a day to complete…and the cost will be $600.00! Man that just does not sound at all right to me!

Is this possible…reasonable…or way off base?

Thank you!

Hi there,

I am out of town…and away from my estimating program, but I am with you…I think the price is too high for the water pump UNLESS they have figured replacing other items as well…like radiator hoses or thermostat, etc.

I would call the dealership service department first and get a quote, then call another local repair shop and get their quote.

I would GUESS this job to be about $425, new water pump, antifreeze, labor, and tax. I can call my shop in the morning and get them to give me the estimate if you have not already approved this job.

Austin Davis

Posted in: Fluid Leaks

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