By February 13, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

1991 Ford Explorer

Reader Question: On my 1991 Ford Explorer 4.0L driver’s side head on the front-end of the head there is a small crack midway vertically between the top and bottom of the head.

The coolant leak is external. What do you recommend for a stop leak sealer? While the amount of leakage is small and slow, it is continually seeping/dribbling while the engine is running.

I have read your suggestions about leaving the sealer in for 500-1000 miles before draining, flushing and refilling with coolant mix.

Thanks for you help.


Hey Ray,

If this is a coolant leak I would try the K&W engine block sealer additive.

It will probably work perfectly in this situation.

Here is the article again with my instructions:

Engine Block Sealer Additive Tips

Austin Davis

Posted in: Fluid Leaks

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