By July 27, 2006 3 Comments Read More →

Nissan Maxima – A/C Not Cold – Do I Need a New Compressor?

Reader Question I have a 1995 nissan maxima. I just took it yesterday to get the the A/C refilled. I thought it had a leak because last year i got it fillled , and now this year, it was so empty that the compressor would even click on.

So yesterday I got a U.V dye leak test done on it which showed no leaks. So they just filled it up, took my money and sent me on my way. I noticed that it was a little bit cooler than warm. But after maybe an hour and half i Did notice it got cooler. The problem is what is taking the car A/C so long to get cool and why? Thanks Your help would be greatly appreciated Mr. Honest.

Hi there,

Thanks for your email.

There are a few things that I would look at as to why you’re a/c is cool, but not cold.

1. Not enough Freon, or too much Freon from overcharging the system

2. Compressor is worn out and can’t pump the Freon fast enough through the system

3. A restriction somewhere in the system like in the filter drier, that is not allowing the Freon to circulate

4. Not enough air flow across the a/c condenser (the thing next to the radiator that also looks like a radiator) the electric cooling fan should be on when the a/c compressor is on and running, if not you might have a bad condenser fan

5. A control problem – like the dash switch, might be letting hot antifreeze into the heater core which will offset the cold air your compressor is producing. If you can reach your heater hoses that go into the heater core under the hood, feel them, one should be hot the other should be cold…because there should not be any hot antifreeze being sent to the heater inside the dash.

6. Not using the RECIRC position. You want to use the recirculation mode, or MAX setting NOT allowing FRESH air in. If its 100 degrees outside using the fresh air setting you are trying to cool that 100 degree air. Using the re-circulate setting you are re-cooling the air inside the cab of the car.

What I would do is, call the guys who added the Freon and ask them “was the Freon pressure ok, and how much Freon did you add” if there was a problem with the pressures, then I would suspect #1,2,or 3 above.

If they were really A/C mechanics they would have checked all the above issues I mentioned…if they are just “gas station” type guys, they probably just filled it up with Freon and closed the hood.

Keep me posted as to what you find out.


Austin C. Davis

Posted in: A/C and Heating

3 Comments on "Nissan Maxima – A/C Not Cold – Do I Need a New Compressor?"

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!

  2. Linda says:

    I have a 2007 Nissan Maxima, and it is NOT blowing cold air. Please tell me what should I do? Thanks!

    • Austin says:

      You are going to need to check the Freon level and pressure with gauges first, which you will probably need to see a mechanic for. I would also make sure the electric cooling fan for the A/C is running up near the radiator. You might have two of these fans, one should be for the A/C and come on when the compressor is on, the other is for the engine cooling system. If the compressor is not coming on (there is a clutch on the end of the compressor which the fan belt turns) then you are either out of Freon due to a leak in the system somewhere or there is an electrical problem like a bad cooling fan motor or a compressor switch or something along those lines. Unfortunately A/C repair takes some special tools and knowledge to diagnose which the average person just does not have.

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