My 1975 Chevy Camaro Needs a New Engine What Do You Suggest?
Can I put a new engine in my 1975 Chevy Camaro and feel safe about giving it to my son?
Can I put a new engine in my 1975 Chevy Camaro and feel safe about giving it to my son?
My car vibrates and makes a noise in the front wheels when I take my foot off the accelerator. My mechanic can’t seem to find the problem. Any ideas?
My Ford Taurus idles too fast. My mechanic did a tune up but it still seems to idle too fast, like it is on cruise control.
My 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix won’t start sometimes. I have checked the battery, alternator, and starter and they tested fine. What else could be the problem with this car?
My Chevy Camaro does not have the power and acceleration it should have. My mechanic did a tune up and that seemed to help some, but it still does not have the power it should.
My 1996 Chevy Blazer sometimes won’t start, the dash light check does not work and the engine will not start. What could be the problem?
The heater in your car can become plugged up with rust and can be unplugged with a regular garden hose.
My brake fluid is dirty, and I would like to change this fluid myself. Can you tell me what is the best way to replace the brake fluid?
The battery in my car is brand new, but something keeps draining the battery and I have to jump start my car often. What else causes the battery to drain down?
The electric windows in my car only seem to work sometime. How can I tell what the problem is?