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I put diesel fuel in my son’s gasoline powered Dodge Neon, now what should I do?
I recently had the brake fluid flushed in my car, but it still looks somewhat dirty. Should I have them flush it again or do you think they really did not “flush” it in the first place?
What is the best way to flush the radiator on my 1987 Volvo?
I am a new driver, and my dad just gave me his 2004 Mitsubishi Endeavor but I have a few questions about it. I was involved in an accident not to long ago and there has been a squeak coming from the brakes ever since then.
What can I do to lower my car loan interest rate payments? I live in Dallas TX and I can’t seem to get a good rate on my car loan…why not?
Mercedes has combined the popular features of their SUV with the luxury synomous with their name. Take a look at this large sun roof designed for a great view.
How much is it going to cost the city of New Orleans to remove all the flood damaged cars from its streets?