Author Archive: austin1

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My Mazda 626 A/C is not Cold Enough – I Have to Wiggle The Switch – Why?

I have a 2000 Mazda 626 LX 4 cylinder. My A/C is just blowing hot air…but if I turn it on full blast I do get cool air for a few mins. If its been sitting in the sun, however, I cant use that trick…its just hot air till I drive for about 15 mins or more then it kicks in.

Posted in: A/C and Heating

1992 Buick Riviera Dies While I am Driving and I Have to Wait 10 Minutes to Restart

I have a 1992 Buick Riviera. It has recently started stalling while driving. It usually happens when I am stuck in stop and go traffic. The car will then not start right away. I wait ten minutes and it starts and I continue on my way.

Posted in: Running Problems

My Car Was Hit In a Parking Lot and The Insurance Will Not Pay For An Alignment

Last sunday as I was looking for a parking space in my 2004 Honda Odyssey a man in a 1989 Ford Festiva drove through the parking lot and slammed into my car. He hit the front of the car, on the passenger side, right on the side of the headlight.

Posted in: Front End Problems

1999 Buick Park Avenue Has a Metal to Metal Sound Under the Hood

My 99 Park Avenue has a loud noise (metal on metal) in the front right by the belts. The noise stops when the Auto temperature is turned on. Almost like something is out of balance and the belt pulls it into place. Any ideas what to begin with? Water Pump – no leaks or Alternator – still charging?

Posted in: Reader Questions

2000 Dodge Neon – Brake Pedal Got Real Hard To Press Down

While driving home the brakes just gave out on my 2000 Dodge Neon… (When pressing the brake it would not depress to the floor). I had to press extremely hard in order for the brakes to catch but still the pedal did not depress.

Posted in: Brakes

1989 Chrysler Lebaron – Smoke out Tailpipe and Oil is Leaking On Engine

my lebaron is smoking out of where u put in the oil and from the oil dipstick also smoking from exhaust when pressing the gas hard its has an oil drip it did overheat a couple of weeks ago and leakage has been getting worse and im not sure whats causing it to smoke from the heads and dipstick for the oil it is a turbo if that matter i just need to know what i should fix.

Posted in: Exhaust Smoke

Computer Code PO301 – My Car Needs a Tune Up

My car needs a tune up BUT I am on a tight budget, would it hurt my car to drive it like this for awhile until I can get my money togther?

Posted in: Tune Up Costs

Lincoln Town Car Brake Vibration – Front Pads and Rotors are New

I have a beautiful 1996 Lincoln Town car. Only 80,000 mi. The front brake rotors have been replaced with new ones, also new pads. Mine you the car vibrated in the front before when applying the brakes, so everything was replaced. It still does the same thing with the new parts. Could it be something with the ABS and why would it still vibrate? This really has me puzzled.

Posted in: Brakes

1996 Renault Clio Is Hard to Start When it Rains – Starts OK In The Sun

1996 Renault Clio 1.2. Its been running great since i had it in Febuary, but since i changed the plugs everything started going wrong. When i come home at night and park the car up, if it rains during the night the car wont start the next morning.

Posted in: Won't Start Issues

Compare Car Insurance Rate

Help – I need to reduce my car insurance rate premium. Is it the kind of car I am driving or is it just “me” that is causing my premium to be so high?

Posted in: Auto Insurance