Used Car Donation Advice
Should you donate your car over the Internet? Can you really trust the company on the other end of the line that they are really giving the money to charity as they say they are?
Should you donate your car over the Internet? Can you really trust the company on the other end of the line that they are really giving the money to charity as they say they are?
It is amazing the number of people that don’t know how to properly clean or polish and wax their cars. Many people use products that were never intended for their car and others use products and equipment that should only be used by properly trained professionals. Some never even wax or clean their cars. Then they wonder why their car is given a very low trade in figure at the dealer, or why their paint is dull and flaking.
Do you have a driver sixteen years old or seventeen years old? If you do, you better brace yourself for this piece of information. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) department Foundation for Traffic Safety study, July and August, the popular summer months, are among the deadliest months of the year for teenage drivers.
My car has been having a problem starting and running. It is a 2000 Dodge Stratus. The engine will turn over but it will not start. The battery and alternator have been checked and they are fine. The car will run fine for a few days and then it just won’t start. It seems to be more of a problem when it has warmed up. It will usually start up after sitting all night, but it may take several tries. We took it to a mechanic and he said the fuel pump was bad.
I have a 1997 VW Jetta (auto) with a 2.0 L engine. About a month ago, the car suddenly wouldnt start. So a mechanic I knew helped me to replace the starter. We thought the problem was solved. It was not. One week after replacing it, on a trip to KY the starter went out again.
Thermostat went out on my 1991 bronco about a year ago. It was literally falling apart when i got to it. Changed it and the temp has been fine since. The coolant was badly corroded though. Since changing the thermostat I have had to add coolant at the rate of about a gallon a month but temp is never a problem. I do have smoke but it is grayish, not really white.
i checked your website and i couldn’t find my answer so i decided to email you. my problem is that my car won’t go in revesre. i just finishing payin off to fix my rear differential and got a 14 oil change at ez lube. when i went
home my car will not go in reverse. my father in law says that it might be my transmission but i would like to ask you.
I own a 1983 Caddillac Fleetwood brogham, It has the ever wimpy 4.1 v8. Earlyer today, as i left work, right when i was about to get onto the freeway, the SERVICE NOW light came on… then my seatbelt light, but i figured only 15 minutes to my house so i can do it! Well, it was nighttime so i had my headlights on. They started to get dimmer and dimmer and dimmer, to the point where i could barely see.
Our car automatic Toyota Corola 1999 was parked near the shop by my wife. When she started the car afterwards – it gave very high revs. She did not re-start it and switched to reverse. The car JUMPED backwards and hit another parked car.