If this helps one person, writing this will have been worth it Wednesday eve I’m on the phone with an agent quoting me a very good premium on full coverage. The only reason I was
getting that quote is because I valued your material enough
to go through the process. It was definitely a good deal. I told the agent that I needed a couple of weeks. Little did I know that I would be crashing into a tree 6 miles from home the next morning carrying only liability. My wife had to cut some expenses since I became sick, there’s nothing different I could have done. Many of your readers may be putting off the decision till later, no one plans an accident. I would strongly advise them to move quickly and get the proper coverage. I walked away with mere bruises. I babied my car, in fact I had been prepping it for an Amsoil switch. My oil filter is on the back of my motor, ex-tended change intervals are very welcomed, and smart, I would have saved both time and money. Back to the accident.. I walked away from a bad accident because God used my seatbelt to keep me safe. Please buckle up everyone and carry good car insurance.