Hi, I’d just like to thank in advance for any help you can offer. I own a 91 Mustang GT, with a very modified 5.0 motor. It has aftermarket heads, cam, intake, injectors, mass air meter, etc…I could list parts for hours. The car has a persistent misfire at part-throttle that seems to be getting worse. The car will start breaking up, audible through the exhaust, and buck and jerk violently. Heavier throttle inputs (not WOT) will usually be met with a bogging-down and heavy loss of power, occasionally an exhaust backfire, and then a normal, hard pull after anywhere from 2-5 seconds. The camshaft I run has a lot of overlap, but the driveability problems posed by the camshaft clear up at approximately 1600 rpms, beyond this range, the misfire becomes very noticeable.