Archive for August, 2006

By August 14, 2006 1 Comments Read More →

1997 Honda Accord – Brake Rotors are Warped Mechanic Says Bad Brake Hose?

This is Will J. AGAIN with the 1987 Honda Accord. I was able to get a description sheet from the mechanic charging $239.12 for the collapsed caliper problem. Here is a description of the problem: Front left caliper is collapsed (suggest brake hose and caliper to repair problem) resurface rotor to eliminate vibration while driving and stopping (rotor needs to be resurfaced due to being super heated by collapsed caliper/hose) Both c.v. axles need to be replaced (boots are torn). Do you think this is a reasonable amount of money for this type of repair (I live in Alabama). The only reason I ask is b/c I just got married – and my wife is pursuing her master’s degree (therefore, she’s not working this summer). So, we’re only on one income. – and I just wanted your honest opinion on the matter. Thank you for any advice or recommendations that you have.

Posted in: Brakes
By August 14, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

Renault Megane Classic Saloon 1.6 1999 Won’t Start Sometimes

query about my car, just bought it a week ago (used) and when being driven (even on motorways) the acceloration decreasing and the engine cuts out, it wouldnt start so i called the AA(recovery) and said there was a problem with the realy (the aa guy said it was the main relay), I had that changed and it happened today again (it cut off on the motorway) but it started fine. I also have a problem with the keys and the central locking not working, inside the key, theres a microchip that enables it to start and can cut out if not the right key. My question is, is the car stopping because of the faulty key, or it there another problem? please help, i havent a clue about cars.

Posted in: Won't Start Issues
By August 14, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

California Traffic Ticket – I Don’t Want to Pay it!

When Maureen posted your site on her e-mail, one of the things that grabbed me was “how to get out of traffic tickets every time”. You see, I recently received a traffic ticket for going 3 miles over the speed limit. The officer said that I was going 15 miles over. When I asked to see the tape (thinking it was radar), he told me it was a lazer gun and he could not show me any proof. I have never heard of lazer guns and I know my speedometer only registered 3 miles more than the speed limit. Traffic school is out of the question as I received a ticket and attended traffic school 16 months ago. This one I did deserve. I plan to fight this current one in court, but, it’s going to be my word against the officer’s. I’m in So. California and most communities in my area are full of speed traps. Any suggestions? Are California traffic tickets covered in your e-book? I’ll be happy to purchase it.

Posted in: Reader Questions
By August 14, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

1994 Volvo I am Told Needs Brakes and A/C Repairs

I have a quick question: I brought my ’94 Volvo 850 to an indie mechanic reccomended by a friend to have my A/C repaired. After a dye check/recharge and a new accumulator, the A/C is pretty good – not as strong as my friend’s 2005 VW Passat, but I’m not about to shell out for a new compressor. My question is this – when he had my car on the lift, he brought me out to it and pointed out that both of my front brake hoses were worn down to the threads — I did see some wear on both ends where they connect. It wasn’t like they weren’t seated in there and they were still flexible, but you could see a little bit of the fiber underneath the rubber in tiny little spots around where they’re clamped on.

Posted in: Reader Questions
By August 14, 2006 1 Comments Read More →

1998 Chevy S -10 Won’t Start Sometimes – Engine Turns Over

I have a 1998 Chevy S-10. It’s has a 4 cyl 2.2 ltr. engine in it. The transmission is automatic and was rebuilt last summer. It has approximately 95,000 miles on the odometer. It has never been used for towing anything (just so you know as much as I can think to tell you.) Four weeks ago I got in my truck and cranked it and my security light came on (it has a fuel cut-off security feature) and didn’t go off. I turned the truck off and tried to restart it. Nothing happened. I didn’t even have power to anything. No radio, no headlights, no interior lights. Nothing. I called my dad to come and help me out and he checked all the fuses and the battery and found nothing wrong. He lost a fuse and went to get a new one and while he was gone everything came back on. So I tried to crank the truck and everything died again. A few minutes after my dad came back it all came on again and I was able to crank the truck and drive home. My dad thought that maybe there was a short in my battery or something. So he said if it happened again we would swap my battery (it’s only a year old and was still under warranty). I had no trouble with it for two weeks. Everything was great. Then two days before I was supposed to leave on vacation, I was pulling into my driveway and my truck cut off. I still had power to everything, but I couldn’t get it to crank. We are at a loss. We replaced the battery. I’m getting fire to the plugs and the fuel pump is working but it won’t crank. It’s like it’s flooding out when we try to crank it. Various people have suggested the following: timing chain, cold air sensor, mass airflow sensor, distributor coil and fuel pressure regulator. How do I check these things, though? I really don’t want to have to pay $150 towing fee to move it somewhere else if I don’t have to. We want to try to find the problem and fix it ourselves.

Posted in: Running Problems
By August 14, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

Mercedes Benz Auto Repair Manual

I have a 1987 Mercedes Benz 420SEL that I am rebuilding (and modifying and adapting to my own vision of “my car”). Recently, the A/C and Instrument cluster went completely off, concurrently and simultaneously, and I knew I had real trouble now, not having the shop manual ($150 CD!?!) or any schematics for the electrical system. Chasing wiring harnesses with a multimeter, and not to mention having to endure the hottest heat wave of the summer, all the while not knowing how fast, or how much oil pressure, or what RPM, and if the engine is overheating, really made me hate life for over a week.

By August 3, 2006 0 Comments Read More →

Chevy Impala Has Noise in Engine When Engine is Cold

I have a 2002 Chevy Impala and everytime I start it for the first time of the day it makes a tack tack tack noise until I start driving. When I start the car every other time after the first time, it doesn’t make the noise anymore. It also doesn’t make the noise while I am driving. I also noticed that it doesn’t have as much power when I drive as it used to. I just had a tune-up and the oil changed, but it is still doing it. If you could tell me what you think it could be, that would be great. Thank you.

Posted in: Reader Questions
By August 3, 2006 1 Comments Read More →

Free Online Auto Repair Manual

Hi, I am a student from Sri Lanka & doing some studies for auto motor Mechanics. I have no money to buy your expensive auto repair manuals. So let me know any car manuals or links for my future studies. If you have any free online auto repair manuals please e-mail them.

By August 3, 2006 1 Comments Read More →

How To Stop and Fix an Engine Oil Leak in My Car

I own a 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.3L engine. This spring my wife was complaining that the motor was ticking. I figured that it was the lifters so I called my mechanic and set up an apointment. He called me later and told me the car was about 2 1/2 quarts low on oil and that I had 2500 miles since my last oil change. He asked the change the oil to see if that would help. He changed oil and the ticking went away.

Posted in: Fluid Leaks

How To Stop an Engine Oil Leak in My Car

I own a 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.3L engine. This spring my wife was complaining that the motor was ticking. I figured that it was the lifters so I called my mechanic and set up an apointment. He called me later and told me the car was about 2 1/2 quarts low on oil and that I had 2500 miles since my last oil change. He asked the change the oil to see if that would help. He changed oil and the ticking went away.

Posted in: Fluid Leaks