By February 1, 2007 0 Comments Read More →

1976 Ford Gran Torino

Reader Question: Hi,

I have a 1976 Ford Gran Torino. I was washing the car the other day and washed the engine down. I did not know I could not do that.

Well, now the engine will not turn, just clicks from the solenoid,

What should I do?



Hey Joshua,

It is not a good idea to use water to clean an engine, as you have just found out. Check to see if you have 12 volts to the starter solenoid there on the inside fender well, and then check to see if you have 12 volts to the starter. I would also triple check all battery connections and ground wires to make sure they are tight and dry.

If your battery is good and strong (your headlights are good and bright), you might want to replace the clicking starter solenoid on the fender well as a guess if you are unsure how to test it. It is cheap and you can get it at any auto supply store and would be a good guess as to what the problem is.

Austin Davis

Posted in: Won't Start Issues

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