1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Engine Will Only Start With Starting Fluid
Reader Question
I have an 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 6 cylinder with 148,000 miles on it. The problem that I am having with it is it will not start without the help of starting fluid,and won’t stay running when finally started. Could this be a fuel injector problem or something of that nature? We replaced the battery,and even tried putting Heat in the gas tank to rid it of any moisture that may be in the gas tank and that didn’t even help it. Any suggestions as to what might be causing this? Thank you.
Hello there
I would check the fuel pump pressure first; you probably do not have the proper fuel pressure to the engine because of a bad pump. You should hear a short electrical whine noise coming from inside the fuel tank when you turn the key to the ON position. If you don’t hear that buzzing noise from inside the fuel tank…you probably need a new fuel pump. Sometimes you can kick start a weak fuel pump by banging on the bottom of the fuel tank with a rubber hammer or your fist AS someone cranks the engine over
Austin Davis